(photo: me right after a run)
I love running. But I have been bad about it for the last week and a half. I’m several weeks deep into a training program, right now, and I have really had a hard time getting out the door and putting in the miles because it has been so hot outside. To compound that problem, one of my go-to distance routes is now blocked off, as the result of a pump fire at a water treatment facility that sits along the river. I was writing a weekly summary of my workouts on JNB, before I shut it down. I think that I’m going to have to pick it up again on Jake’s Mag, just for accountability’s sake. So, I guess, look for that on Sundays between now and November.
In the mean time, I want to share another blog with you. The author is a guy that I have come to know over the past couple of years through correspondence about nerdy stuff. But it started with a conversation about our Nike+ sport bands, which we were both using at the time. His name is Andre, and he is a serious runner. I mean, the dude can run close to or better than a 16 min 5k.
Anyway, since he is basically constantly training, he has quite a bit of knowledge when it comes to running. Everything from improving your pace, to staying injury free, to how to rotate core workouts, to diet. His blog, “I run like me” is about to turn 1 year old. All I can say, is that I wish I would have had it as a resource, when I started getting into running. Definitely check it out. Feel free to ask Dre questions, too. The dude is super personable. I just hope that he forgives me for choosing right now to tout his blog, when he is coming off of a pretty serious infection that has had him laid up for a while. If nothing else click through to see a photo of his ailing eye.
I’ll have to check out that blog. I bought a Nike+ SportBand kind of recently, but I haven’t been into it at all because I don’t think it’s very accurate. And I am weird about running accurate distances. Maybe it’s because the sensor is attached to my laces instead of in a Nike shoe…I don’t know. Did you like yours?
P.S. I just decided you remind me of Liev Schreiber.
@Kari: Hahahah, thanks for the Liev comment. As far as the Nike+ goes, I had your same complaint. It didn’t seem to matter how often I calibrated the thing, it was never super accurate. Buuuuuttttt, I did love that I could use it on a treadmill (can’t do that with GPS devices), and I absolutely loved the social media aspect of the online component. I also thought that there were a lot of great resources on the site, like coaching, goal setting, etc.. It made things very easy from a training standpoint. I’m actually still struggling with doing all of that stuff autonomously, now that I have moved over to Garmin, as my gadget of choice.
Jake, you are the King of kings. Thanks so much for the shout out, if it weren’t for the nike+ running system I never would have come back to a sport I left a long time ago.
Cheers mate!
I could be a runner, I really could, except it’s so incredibly difficult to motivate myself to get out the door. When I’m running I’m grateful for the exercise, but resentful of the form; I quickly tire of the monotony of pounding the pavement. So maybe running is just not for everyone, although I love that it’s 1) almost free and 2) outdoors. I usually only get a couple runs in a week. Hopefully Andre’s blog will be some inspiration.
Thanks for the link to the website. It looks great. As for the Nike+ I have had to return two because the data wouldn’t upload to my computer – so darn frustrating. Hope you get your running groove back on soon.
Haha! I was just going to say you remind me of Liev Schrieber in that photo, but I see someone already beat me to it!