Author Archive: Jake
As cheeky as it might be, this video is about 1000000000x more insightful than that crap that Taylor Swift did for
I love this kind of stuff
Came across these awesome images from this excerpted Wired article:
Marc Wilson spent four years chasing the ghosts of World War II for his series The Last Stand, wandering 23,000 miles of shoreline to capture eerie photos of bunkers and blockades that still dot the landscape.
During the war, the Allies and Nazis fortified the coast of Northern Europe with pillboxes, gun emplacements and huge barriers meant to repel ships and tanks. They were largely forgotten after the invasion of Normandy, abandoned as the Allies pressed on toward Germany. Nearly 80 years later, only ruins remain.
instagram x urban exploring
I enjoyed this mini-docu about urban exploring. Instagram seems to be the modern brand of Kodak courage. Peep it.
Haroshi at Levine
I popped by the Jonathan Levine space last night on 23rd to check out the new Haroshi exhibit. It was super good. Snapped these along the way.
About Coffee
There was a lot of content relating to coffee today in my news feed. I’m not exactly sure why. Probably coincidence. I found it all relatively interesting for various reasons. This photo/audio essay explores the idea that the ubiquity of Starbucks is somehow diminishing people’s experience when traveling the globe.
This article relays the findings of several studies about how caffeine affects people depending on their genetic make up, and other factors.
…and finally, Nowness ran the video below. Not only is it quirky and interesting, it also has a really nice visual aesthetic.
Came across this video today. It was posted on a blog that I like less and less, so I’m not even going to link back to it. But This vid was a nice reminder of what summer felt like growing up in Utah. There is also some decent skateboarding.
LOCAL from Sean Slobodan on Vimeo.