Louise McNaught

I am a huge fan of this work by UK based artist Louise McNaught. The color schemes that she adds to her sketches and paintings gives them an extremely fresh aesthetic. The inverted drip on the piece with the deer locking antlers is next level, IMO.



WK 360 at Jonathan Levine

Last week I attended the opening of WK’s latest installation at Jonathan Levine Gallery, entitled “WK 360.” It is a fantastic exhibit made up of WK’s trademark monochromatic collages, mixed in with some three dimensional pieces. Stop by if you have a chance. Here are a few additional looks–

‘In Pieces’ at Open House Gallery

I love mixed media installations. So, I was totally down when I got invited to check out the opening of “In Pieces” the other night at Open House gallery. In this collaboration, Nathan Sawaya teamed up with Dean West to create a series of augmented reality photos. Sawaya created Lego sculptures that West incorporated into his photos. Both the sculptures and the final images were on display. Here are a couple more snaps.

Parra at Levine

One cool opening I attended recently, was an installation by the Dutch artist Parra. It was his first solo show in the US, and is currently showing at the Levine Gallery. Def head by and check it.

Faith47 goes big in Hawaii

I’m a huge fan of this new piece by Faith47 in the South Pacific. It is the perfect marriage of strong imagery and paint drip. In my opinion, this is one of the strongest pieces that has come out of POW WOW Hawaii.


How and Nosm at Levine

Last week I was able to attend a private preview of the latest and greatest works from How and Nosm. This twin German power duo opened an exhibition at Levine last Saturday. They are also the artists currently holding down the famous mural spot on Houston and Bowery (they put it up while the power was still out from Hurricane Sandy). It was very cool to spend some time chatting with them and snapping their work. Incidentally, my other favorite twin brother graf artists, Os Gemeos were also at the event. Of course they were.

If you get a minute, definitely stop through Levine and check out the installation. Here are a couple of more looks.


A rainy day with os gemeos

Os Gemeos published a pretty cool piece on their blog this week. If is a brief video of them discussing their sketch books. The talk about everything from inspiration, to what they use to draw with, to how they choose what clothing to give the figures they draw. Caveat: it is in Portuguese. The video is titled “Um dia de chuva,” which means “A day of rain” Check it–


Haroshi at Levine

Over the weekend I dropped by the Haroshi opening at Levine Gallery. There is some really cool stuff in his latest exhibit. In a bit of deviation from his last show, some of the work was encased in transparent resin. It definitely made for cool effect. The piece below was my favorite. Check out the full gallery over here.

‘moonwalk’ in yosemite

This ridiculously cool vid was shot at Cathedral Peak in Yosemite. Mikey Schaefer used an 800mm with a 2x extender to get an infinite depth of field for the awesome “giant moon” effect. Meanwhile, Dean Potter solo climbs up to a high line strung between two rocks and traverses it as the moon rises over the peak.  The only thing that I could do without is Mikey breathing into the camera for the 3+ minute duration, hahaha. Watch it below–


